Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Horrible Tornadoes In Joplin Missouri The Animals Need Your Help

So those of you that have been watching the news know that a place called Joplin, Missouri was hit by a horribly destructive tornado recently.  Not only do the people need help but so do the animals, here are a few links with ways you can help;  tamepetmag , Joplin Humane Society, and Animals Lost Found Joplin Mo.  If you are able to help in any way I encourage you to do so, same goes for this situation in all of the other tornadoes that have been hitting the United States lately. 
On the lighter side of things here's some pics of the babe.

Sleeping as always.

It's a trap!

Deadpool is ready to face his biggest challenge yet.

He's been sleeping in my paper recycling box a lot lately..

Here is our internet cat video for this post. 

Here is our picture of a cat other than Baby K that is one of my cats:
Carlin protecting my comics for me.  Such a good kitty.
Here is my photo of a cat from the internet:
I would love to see a giant Baby K Vs Godzilla

Please tell everyone you know that we exist.  Also The Babe encourages you to leave a comment. :3

Monday, May 23, 2011

New ideas for this blog, tell me what you think. Archive picture and Carlin picture.

As I become a more experienced blogger I am learning new techniques to make Baby K a bigger star.  Two sites that have helped me learn how to do things are shamimnasir and Blog Know How.  There will be some new additions on the Baby K site.  In addition to new Baby K photos I will also start posting 1 Cat video I find online, 1 Photo of one of my cats other than Baby K, and 1 Photo of a cat I find on the internet.  Tell me if you like it or not!  Now for todays post no new pic of baby K but I do have an archive pic you havn't seen.
Baby K as an actual baby kitten playing with Carlin on a summer day.
Here is one random cat video I found on youtube.  I think its cute.  I couldn't get the video go embed in this post so here is a link to it Cute Cat Video 1.  Leave them a comment and some love if you enjoy it, tell them where you heard about it too if you'd like ;)

Hopefully that worked.  Here is a photo of one of my cats that isn't Baby K.  I own several cats (not just Baby K and Carlin) so I will randomly post a photo of one of them each update.  This isn't the first photo only featuring carlin I've done this before way back on an old update.

I love this picture so much it looks so crazy.  Sometimes Carlin looks really scary in photos but he is one of the cutest and loving cats I have ever owned.
And last we have our final new addition for this post a random cat picture from the internet.  I do not own any of the photos I will post in this segment so all credit goes to the original photographer/photo editor. 

This made me laugh.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Archive Update

Here is a photo of baby k from a few months ago, its from before his surgery.
Baby K being bad lol, wanting to eat a hampster.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Baby K vs. Carlin; World Golf Series

Oh hai lol mind if I come in?
You can see how floppy his ear is now.

They've been causing destruction around the house a lot more lately.

Baby K looks back at his past, probably thinking about his last meal he had.

The Babe is often a spectator rather than a participant.  (He is American!)

Creepin Carlin
For some reason blogger had me upload each image individually and I could only do so in sections of 5 images?  But when I went back it was back to the usual up-loader so idk what that was.  Tomorrow Baby K is going to the vet hopefully to get his stitches out.  His ear although perpetually hung over seems to be in great condition now so hopefully it will not need any more treatment. 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Baby K's First Posted Youtube Video!

Check it out, its him being cute, fat, and playing with a remote control car.

The cutest cat in the world blog site has recieved some much needed cosmetic work.

So you may have noticed the site looks a bit different.  I haven't slept in 36 hours, and with some of that freetime I have worked on the blog.  The blog now has an animated banner, an entire playlist of songs instead of just erasure, a favicon, and a convent panel of buttons to share the site on you favorite social networking sites, which would help me out immensely. I will continue to do things around the blog to improve it, look out soon for baby k videos!  The babe was taken to the vet today they looked at his ear because it recently began swelling agian, they said he was fine and cleaned his ear out.  He is a champ.  Here are 2 random archive picture.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Baby K and Carlin are playing together again.

It's been quite awhile since i've seen those two interact much, the Babe must be feeling much better.  That being said I noticed part of his ear may be swelled up again, I really hope I do not have to get him surgery again ><.  Here come the pics!

Monday, May 9, 2011

The Cutest Cat In The World is doing pretty well after his surgery

Baby K is going fishing.

Back to his old tricks.

It's been awhile since I've seen him this playful.

He's so happy :).
The Babe appears to be feeling a lot better now.  His ear is starting to droop but it's looking pretty healthy.  His ears are now a lot cleaner I think his ear infections is almost gone.  Through the donation button that was on the site and through a collection jar about 55 dollars was raised.  I genuinely appreciate every single person who donated even just a penny.  Which leaves about 314 dollars but we'll manage.
So I officially took my last college final  which means very soon the return of daily updates!  Also this summer I will be making a costume of what ever wins the vote (so far Cthulhu) for the babe. I will also be posting videos on a youtube channel.  Might do some work around the blog too, make it more aesthetically pleasing.  big summer for so tell your friends!  Also another update on the babe Two weeks from the day he came home I have to take him to the vet to remove his stitches. :3

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

UPDATE: The Babe Comes Home

The Babe is now home and his treatment has been paid for.  The final cost ended up being $369!!  Luckily on the lower side of the vets estimate but still on the high side for my pocketbook.  Thanks to some very generous fans we have raised $46 and I thank those people so much!  So does Baby K!  I will continue to leave the donation button on the site for a few more days incase anyone wants to donate still, because I have no idea how I am going to make up that money.

They had to shave around the ear..

Hugging my leg, he's still the best damn cutest cat evahhh

Now that the babe is home he has to take a drop of medicine in both ears twice a day and a dropper full of medicine in his mouth twice a day.   He goes back to the vet in two weeks.  His ear is looking pretty nasty but healthy now thankfully!