Sorry this update is so late. My land lord thought it would be a good idea to illegally shut my power off on update Thursday so I have been dealing with that. Here is what I was going to post, enjoy!:
So i've recently started storing my work-bag in my minifridge because the other day Baby K woke me up eating my pizza I had packed for my next day at work. He eats constantly during the day you would think he wouldn't be hungry :3. Not a whole lot going on at the cutestcat house. I'm done with classes for the semester and I'm only taking one class this summer so perhaps I will do more with the blog again than the weekly updates. Please tell your friends about this blog! A simple share on facebook or twitter, or on a forum you go to, or word of mouth would mean so much to me. I've been considering building a site for the cutestcatblog but right now it wouldn't be worth it with our views really.
Outside of cutestcatblog this summer is for sure going to be busy with projects, besides all the general stuff I'm planning on starting a podcast, and completing some more sketches with my sketch comedy group. I'd imagine Baby K will be making appearances on both, if so I may post about it on here.
Don't really have anything else to say this week, so enjoy the baby k photos.
Also this blog seems creepier now that I'm a single guy blogging about my cat, since previously I was in a comitted longterm relationship since before the blog started. However, I don't care, hopefully you guys are enjoying everything. If we could get enough hits I would absolutely go back to everyday updates, but I just can't manage that right now.
Baby K Photo:
Online Image
Baby K look alike? He does this sometiems with the rug too. |