Wednesday, May 4, 2011

UPDATE: The Babe Comes Home

The Babe is now home and his treatment has been paid for.  The final cost ended up being $369!!  Luckily on the lower side of the vets estimate but still on the high side for my pocketbook.  Thanks to some very generous fans we have raised $46 and I thank those people so much!  So does Baby K!  I will continue to leave the donation button on the site for a few more days incase anyone wants to donate still, because I have no idea how I am going to make up that money.

They had to shave around the ear..

Hugging my leg, he's still the best damn cutest cat evahhh

Now that the babe is home he has to take a drop of medicine in both ears twice a day and a dropper full of medicine in his mouth twice a day.   He goes back to the vet in two weeks.  His ear is looking pretty nasty but healthy now thankfully!